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HOMEStore Information패션 > Grizzly Namba store
US古着【シャツ・ジャケット・パンツ・Tシャツ・スウェット・ニット】 【Ralph Lauren、Carhartt、Dickies、LACOSTE、Champion、Harley-Davidson、NIKE、adidas】

패션Grizzly Namba store

グリズリーなんば店 We strive to create a store where customers of a wide range of ages, mainly those in their teens to 20s, can learn about the quality of second-hand clothing and the joy of choosing it. Regarding our products, we carry regular used clothing and sell high quality items.
At our company, we want to convey the benefits of second-hand clothing to a wide range of customers, from those who have never worn second-hand clothes to those who love second-hand clothes, so our staff members serve each group of customers politely and energetically. Let's eat.



점포 정보

소재지 大阪市中央区難波3丁目5−1
전화번호 06-6563-9992
영업시간 13:00~21:00
정기 휴일 12月31日・1月1日のみ
URL https://instagram.com/grizzly_namba?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
