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HOMEStore Information음식 > Hirota Osaka Ebisubashi store

음식Hirota Osaka Ebisubashi store

ヒロタ大阪・えびすばし店 To commemorate our 100th anniversary, we have opened new flagship stores in Tokyo and Osaka.
This is a special shop where you can enjoy a nostalgic yet new Hirota.
We welcome customers in a retro coffee shop-like interior with a neon sign with a cream puff motif.



점포 정보

소재지 大阪市中央区道頓堀1丁目9−3 ナルミヤビル 1F
전화번호 06-6732-8332
영업시간 10:00〜21:00
정기 휴일
URL https://www.the-hirota.co.jp/html/100th
